Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Joy of Boys

Two peas in a pod. Cooking breakfast together - check out the sweet robe Tate's wearing.
The best game EVER - whipping each other with kitchen towels!
That barber sure looks familiar...Moms, lock up your daughters...nothing beats a buzzed head, a bare chest, and a sucker.

Breakfast of Champions (Mickey Mouse pancakes and sausage).
A cookie from Grandma!
A funny story...
Last night, Tate was running around naked before bathtime. After awhile he stood, holding the edge of a small table next to the couch. He put his head down between his arms and ran in place, moving his feet really fast. He was cracking himself up and kept doing this for a couple of minutes. Finally, he looked up at Brad and I and said, "My peepee is dancing!" He was thrilled...
Thank God for little boys.

1 comment:

nick&abby said...

oh my word...I love it...I have to say I am laughing out loud right now and annoying my coworkers :)