Thursday, July 8, 2010

California, Here We Come

Tomorrow morning Brad and I are heading to L.A. for a friend's wedding. We are really looking forward to it - beautiful weather, good food, sleeping in, and great shopping (okay, that one's more for me!). But I have to admit that I'm more than a little anxious about spending two nights so far away from my boys.

The last time Brad and I went to an out of town wedding without our kids was at the end of June 2008. And, as most of you know, that was the beginning of the end of life as we knew it. There's just too many similarities between then and now: both wedding being in mid-summer,; Nash was five months old then and Knox is five months old now; leaving the kids with one of our parents. I just hate to think of all of that. I'm trying hard to look forward to having some time with my husband, but it's really difficult to push all the worrisome thoughts from my mind.

So, if you get the chance, please pray that my kiddos will be healthy and safe while we're gone. Please pray that Brad and I have a fun trip without too much worry or fear. Please pray that we get back safe and sound Sunday night... And while you're at it, maybe go ahead and pray that my parents are up for the challenge of taking care of two very "active" little boys!!!

Love to y'all,


Marisa and John said...

What a huge milestone for you guys Tracy. You will be in our prayers. Have a very fun time!

Neecie said...

It is 10 am. Knox is enjoying his morning nap and Tate and I just finished his birthday calendar. All is well in the Sievers' home. Randy and I are so blessed to have these precious boys in our lives. We are looking forward to the weekend and our adventures. I better go, Tate wants to play pirates.. and I think Knox is waking up.

David and April Vinson said...

I am so very impressed that you had the courage to not let fear control your decision to go to the wedding or not! Very admirable! Prayers are coming your way!