Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend in Chicago

Tate and I just got back from our trip to Chicago. We flew out on Thursday evening with my mom to visit my brother. We had a great time and were VERY busy!!! Instead of writing all the fun we did, I figured I could share our experience through pictures. Enjoy!

Friday - Children's Museum at Navy Pier

Climbing in the pirate ship.

Practicing bowling skills.

Writing the letter "T".

Playing in the "Water Room."

Building a skyscraper.

Checking out the traffic lights and policeman.

Friday - ESPN Zone for dinner

Our Big League Pitcher - 22 mph!!!

Practicing his fancy footwork.

Saturday - Lincoln Park Zoo

Watching the polar bear together.

Grandma, Grandpa, and the rhinos - what could be better than that?

Tate telling me, "We're at the zooooooo!!!"

The cheesiest of cheeses!

Saturday - Lunch at Portillo's - YUM!!!

Nothing like a real Chicago Dog!

Saturday - Dinner at Rainforest Cafe
Tate's new sssssssnake!

So despite the FREEZING temperatures, we had a great time. But it's always good to get home again. Now, I'm off to get my little guy in the tub - gotta wash off those nasty airplane germs!!!

Love to y'all,


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