Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We're Home

After three weeks of being away, we got home safely on Sunday night.

I feel a little mixed about being back in Texas. It was so hard to leave Storm Lake. Not only were we surrounded by people who love us and love Nash, but I always feel so close to him while we're there. I went to the cemetery everyday except for one, and sometimes twice a day. It's like I needed to make up for not being there since December. Going for the last time early Sunday morning was so hard. It's just this huge reminder that we're all going home and he isn't. I had to force myself back in the car.

In addition, it still feels weird to be in this new house. It smells different than my other house smelled... Our furniture looks different here... It makes different noises... We have so many things to do to get it the way I want it. It's a little overwhelming at this point. I just want to snap my fingers and have it be done. I'm hoping that pretty soon, this house will turn into a home for me...

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

nick&abby said...

I'm glad you guys made it home safely. I'm sorry I didn't get to SL to see y'all...when are you planning on come back again? I hope your house feels like home to you soon...so much change can be hard (it is for me anway).