Monday, July 13, 2009

Potty Training 101

As of yesterday the Sievers household is in full-on potty training mode. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this... We've only been doing it for like 36 hours and let's just say it's been a long two days!

Here's the stats for the first two days according to Tate's "Potty Chart" (sorry if this is TMI!):
5 accidents
13 pees in the potty
3 pees in the grass in the backyard
3 tiny poops in the potty
TONS of nakedness

Not too bad for just starting out.

I'm so proud of Tate. He's trying so hard and actually I think he's exhausted from it. Poor thing! He loves his big boy underwear - especially his Spiderman and Power Rangers ones.

Hopefully he'll get the hang of it more and more each day so that we can start to venture outside of this house. It makes the days go by pretty slowly, sitting here waiting for the next pee to come...

Wish us luck!
Love to y'all,

BTW... As I was finishing up this post I have one more thing to add to Tate's "stats"...
1 poop on the floor


Tate's Potty Chart


Tate's First Sticker For a Job Well Done!

Potty Training is Exhausting!!!


Val & Carmelita said...

It gets better, just stick with it! :) The best advice I got last summer was to stick with it for 3 days straight, and it worked like a charm. It was tough being in the house for most of those 3 days, but it was well worth it. Good luck!

Ben and Abby said...

Oh my gosh, LOL. Good luck Tracy and GO TATE! He looks like such a big boy in that picture! Hard to believe he's almost THREE!!

Unknown said...

You know I am OK with the pee pee outside thing!!! They love it and it makes things so much easier, huh!!!

FosterFam said...

poop on the floor? tate and sage must have been secretly plotting against us together...