Monday, May 25, 2009


So we've all heard of the "seven year itch," right? You know, when couples hit the seventh year of marriage, they often times get "itchy." Well I'm proud (and relieved!) to say that Brad and I have officially been married seven years today and there's no itches here! But seriously, our seven year anniversary is today. It's so crazy that it's been that long... So much has happened.

Who knew that the farm boy from Iowa and the city girl would end up together? Who knew that we would become so much more than a husband and a wife? Who knew that we would grow both as individuals and as a couple over the years that followed? Who knew that our love would be tested to the degree that is has?

I have to say that the past eleven months have been anything but easy on us. But I can say that we are stronger than I ever imagined. We have our lows and our highs, but the constant is that we have each other. I told Brad this morning that although I wish I didn't have to walk the path that God chose for me and I don't understand why I have to, there is no one on this earth that I would rather walk it with than him. I hate that we have to do this, but I truly feel blessed that Brad is holding my hand along the way.

Like any married couple, we may not see eye to eye on everything... I admit that Brad may play too much softball, leave the kitchen a mess right after I clean it, or sleep through even the loudest of screaming children, but I am a better person, mother, and friend because of him and the love he gives me.

Brad, thank you for the past seven years... For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I love you beyond all words.


October 1998 - a month after we met

May 25th 2002

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