Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So we've had a lot going on lately and I have a feeling that the next couple of weeks are going to get crazier and crazier... The sale of our house is FINALLY official and we close in two days and then early next week we close on our new one. In the mean time, we've got to pack, pack, pack. Did I mention we need to pack? As of right now, we have a whopping three boxes full... Needless to say, we've got a ways to go.

I think the days have just gotten away from us - it's like we've been kidding ourselves that we have plenty of time. Oops. Did we pack over the weekend to get a good start on it??? Nope! We went to a softball tournament! Oh well, at least I got some cute pics of Tate...

What a sweet mess!

My Little Lefty

My excuse as to why I haven't packed more... there's a kid eating a cookie in the box!

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Hi Tracy! I ran across your blog address on facebook.I'm addicted to blogging as well (www.raymerlife.blogspot.com) so I hope you don't mind that I looked you guys up. Tate is such a cutie! How old is he now? I have thought of you guys often this past year, and hope to run into you again soon. Maybe a football game this fall? Take care, Alecia