Saturday, April 28, 2012

Advice From A Kinder-To-Be

Yesterday when I got home from work, I told Tate a story about some kindergarten boys at my school that got in big trouble because of their behavior... Yes, I admit it: I was trying to put the fear of God in him before he walks through the school's front doors this August.  Little did I know how much he would have to offer up on the subject of good behavior at school.  His suggestions were just too good not jot down...

1. "You shouldn't say the other word for bootie...  I don't really like that word anyway."
2. "You shouldn't be sloppy."
3. "Not being very good can get you in serious trouble."
4. "Honest is better than telling lies... Jokes are kinda like lies."
5.  "Don't say any words from Dumbest Stuff on Wheels." (A show on the Speed Network that Brad introduced him to where they show people wiping out after doing crazy stunts.)
6.  (My personal favorite.) "You shouldn't toot on someone's head... but if you're crawling in front of them and you toot on accident, you just have to say, 'excuse me'."

I guess he's as ready as he'll ever be!  

Love to y'all,

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