Sunday, April 22, 2012

Marching For Nash

Yesterday, we set out with friends and family to walk five miles at the March For Babies.  We had 44 people walking for team, Heart's Content, including family who came in from Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, and Indiana... not to mention my parents and a bunch of close friends as well.  We are blessed to be surrounded by so much love and support. 

Which brings me to my next point: I'm proud to say the we raised over $8700 for the March of Dimes thanks to so many of your help!!!  Amazing!!!  To know that so many people are impacted by Nash is astounding and so very comforting to say the least.  I am beyond proud to be his mama.

Team Heart's Content
Tate and his buddies.
Walking for our little boy.
My three babies with their brother's picture... beautiful.
Miss Brady
Heart's Content Kiddos
The ENTIRE Sievers Family.

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

nick&abby said...

Great pictures...thanks for sharing! Yay for making it passed your goal! And yay to being with family :)