Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Loves

I remember when the days leading up to Valentine's Day were full of anticipation... What will Brad get me? What is the perfect thing for me to get him? Where will we go? The questions went on and on until February 14th finally rolled around. We'd go out for a nice dinner, exchange presents, and relax together... maybe at a movie, maybe at home on the couch. Just me and Brad being together.

Fast forward a couple years and here's what Valentine's Day looks like in 2012:
Brad texts and says he's running a little late and will leave work soon. Decide to make some fancy BLTs with Spicy Buffalo Sauce for dinner (that was supposed to be sarcastic). Make the bacon in the oven using a recipe found on Pinterest (don't you just love that?). Fold some laundry. Cook Tate a grilled cheese with one hand while holding Brady in the other. Check the bacon when the timer goes off - looks perfect. Turn oven off but leave bacon in it until I'm ready for them. Nuke some meatballs for Knox (not a big grilled cheese fan). Call the boys for supper. Brad calls (it's now an hour after he left) and says he's still 30 minutes from home because of a huge traffic jam on the Tollway. UGH. Put Brady in her swing (which she's not happy about). Make buffalo sauce. YUM. Cut up red onion, tomato, and lettuce. Decide to go ahead and eat without Brad. Realize bacon is still in oven. Take it out. It's black. YUM. Cook a new batch in the microwave. Make BLT. Take a few bites while standing at the kitchen counter. Boys finish eating and are still hungry. Make Knox some chicken strips. Heat up Tate's quesadilla leftover from lunch. Take a few more bites. Brad walks in the door. Cook another batch of bacon in the microwave. Make Brad's BLT. Finish my sandwich - yes, still standing at the counter.
My Fine Dining Establishment
Gourmet Dinner
Remains of a Grilled Cheese
Fast forward a little bit... Brad gets Brady in the tub. I give the boys their baths. Tate gets out and gets jammies on. Knox refuses to get out and keeps splashing water all over the bathroom floor. Put away laundry. Pull plug on Knox's tub. Notice a something floating in water. Ask him if he pooped in the tub. He blames it on Tate. Good try. Dry Knox off. Put on his diaper and jammies. Clean tub and toys in tub. Read books. Kisses. Prayers. Good nights.

Valentine's Day sure has changed. But one thing hasn't. I feel more love on this Valentine's Day than I have in my entire life. I'm a pretty blessed mama. And I'm so very thankful for all the loves in my life.

The macaroni to my cheese.
The milk to my cookies.
The ketchup to my fries.
The peanut butter to my jelly.
Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Allie said...

LOVED THIS POST!!! So cute :) Makes me laugh about your comment about you and Brad before kids, that's totally John and I sitting on the couch watching amazing reality tv...happy vday!!