Monday, September 5, 2011

Bunk Beds for Everyone!

A couple weeks ago, my mom texted me at school and said that Knox had crawled out of his crib at her house during naptime.  He was only 18 months old and his crib was already at the lowest setting.  So that night, Brad rigged our crib to go even lower than it's supposed to so as to prevent our little man from escaping during the night.  He seemed content and safe (when he stood up, the side of the crib went all the way past his chest - almost to his chin).  Phew!.... or so we thought.

On Friday morning, I got another text from my mom saying that when she went to get Knox out of his crib at our house, he was standing at the door to his bedroom.  Are you serious?!  He's now 19 months old and waaaaay too young to try to get him to sleep in a "big boy's bed."  I was worried about it all day.  

Brad and I bought a new bedroom set a couple weeks ago that Tate has now moved into.  So, Tate's old furniture was already all set up for Knox.  But again, he's waaaay to little!  We definitely had a dilemma on our hands: to leave him in his crib was asking for a broken arm or stitches or who knows what.  But then again, I'm already exhausted.  Do I really want to spend these last seven weeks before the baby gets here battling my one year old every night about staying in a big boy bed?  In addition, if we do somehow figure out a way to keep him in his crib, we're going to need it for the baby shortly after it arrives anyway.  And if that happens, do I really want to be trying to get Knox to sleep in his big bed while also caring for a newborn?  UGH.  What's a mom to do?

Three words, my friends... SUCK IT UP.  

Friday night, I took Knox into his "new" room and tried to explain that now he's a big boy and he's going to sleep in his big boy bed from now on.  He whimpered a little and kept pointing across the gameroom to his old room.  When I first put him in the bed, he cried and stood right up.  I went back in a minute later and laid him back down, gave him a kiss, and walked out again.  This time, he cried for a couple seconds and was quiet.  I checked on him 30 minutes later, and to my surprise, he was out like a light.  WHOOOHOOOO!!!!  

I was so nervous all night, waiting for him to either show up in my room or hear a big crash upstairs.  At 4:30, he yelled out and I went in and found his binkie for him.  He laid right back down and slept till 7:15.  Then on Saturday, he took a two hour nap in his bed no problem.  Saturday night he woke up twice, looking for his binkie and then went back to sleep till about 8.  Naptime yesterday was another total success.  And last night I put him to bed at 8:15 and I didn't hear a peep until a little before 8 this morning.  What a little champ!  
Big bed... little boy.

Tate's New Furniture
Now I will say that I'm cautiously optimistic about all this.  I realize that maybe this is the honeymoon period.  Maybe he'll soon decide that he's going to make this much harder on his mama.  But for right now, I'm totally blown away by how easy this transition has been.  Let's just pray it stays this way!

Love to y'all,

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