Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Jon Gosselin is Bad!"

I have to share the dinner conversation that we just had with Tate. We were all sitting at the table eating our delicious leftovers from the past couple nights and Entertainment Tonight was on the TV in the next room. The cover story was all about Jon and Kate Plus Eight and the newest gossip in their messy divorce.

So Tate looked up from his cheese pizza and said, "Jon Gosselin is bad."

"Really?" I said. "Why?"

"Because he has a sword," Tate replied.

HUH??? I just nodded.

He quickly followed it up with, "Jon Gosselin is bad because he hits Batman and Spiderman with his sword."

What am I supposed to say to that??? Ahhh, isn't life with a three year old little boy fantastic?!

Love to y'all,


The Terrell Family said...

So cute! It's amazing what kids will come up with!l

nick&abby said...