Monday, March 9, 2009

A Scary Weekend

I know that my life is anything but normal. I know that the path that I am traveling isn't one that most people ever lay foot on. I am well aware of the fact that I still have such a long way to go... there isn't an end to the pain; there will never be a day when things are "okay" again. However, there are minutes (and sometimes hours) that go by when I'm doing reasonably well.

Friday evening was one of them... Tate and I were outside, waiting for Brad to get home from work so that we could all go to our friends' house for our very first Crawfish Boil! It was 5:30 and my phone rang. My mom's voice was strained on the other end of the line. She simply said, "I'm going to Chicago tonight. Your brother was hit by a car." WHAT??? I just kept thinking, "He doesn't have a car, so what do you mean he was hit by a car?" Then my heart sank as I understood what that meant. All my mom knew was that he was conscious and in the back of an ambulance, heading to a downtown Chicago hospital.

I literally sank to the grass as I hung up the phone. Flashbacks of eight months ago went screaming through my mind. I know exactly what it feels like to get on a plane and race to your child, praying that everything will be okay. And I also know the gripping terror inside when you realize that your baby isn't going to make it. All of this came rushing back as I got to my knees and pleaded with God to help my brother be strong.

Trent was taken to the Trauma Center of the hospital and after CAT scans, X-rays, and numerous exams, we found out he suffered a concussion, received six stitches in the back of his head, had a broken right collar bone, a separated left shoulder, and lots of large scrapes and bruises. So despite the pain and long road to recovery, we are PRAISING God for these injuries. We know too well that things could have been a lot worse.

We have since found out that my brother, Trent, age 24, was riding his bicycle back from work to meet his girlfriend. He was crossing a four-way stop (he had the right of way). A car stopped and then continued through the intersection without seeing my brother and he was hit.

I have talked to Trent since the accident and it was such a relief to hear his voice. I adore my brother and am so thankful for him. I know that it will take a long time for his pain to subside, but I have faith that God will keep him strong and carry him through his toughest days.

I appreciate all the prayers being sent Trent's way. And I'm so grateful for the way my friends have surrounded me with love since they've heard of the accident. I love you all. Now go call your siblings and tell them you love them!

Love to y'all,


The Hazelwood Family said...

Oh no! We will keep him and you guys in our thoughts and prayers!

Kelly Jane said...

Oh Tracy...I'm so glad he's going to be okay!

nick&abby said...

we are so thankful that he's going to be okay! our prayers are with your family that he continues to heal!