Friday, March 27, 2009

A Present From Pa

Just a quick note... tonight on our way to our weekly Friday night dinner with my parents, my dad, Tate, and I stopped by a sporting goods store. Tate was quite thrilled to leave with two new helmits - one blue bike helmet and one shiny red batting helmet that he proudly wore around the entire store.

We've been home for almost three hours now and he still has the red one on his head. He's been riding his big wheel in circles all night and won't take it off. I did set it on the counter during bathtime, but only because I convinced him it would get ruined if it got wet. We just got him into bed and he STILL had it on while I was reading him some books. He asked if he could sleep with it...

Our solution.

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Neecie said...

Dear Tracy,
Dreams of Nash create new memories for us to cherish. Thank you for sharing your dream and yes, I will pray for more dreams to come.
Love ya,