Friday, August 2, 2013


I just posted about our vacation and realized I hadn't written about Tate's seventh birthday!  So excuse the order of these last few posts...

I find myself looking at him, saying, "Where have the last seven years gone?"  Before I was a mom, I always heard people say that their kids grew up way too fast (my own parents included), but now I really get it.  I keep thinking that in seven more years, he'll be almost starting high school; then seven years after that, he'll be drinking beer (legally, that is!).  How can this be possible?!

Tate has taught me everything about being a mom.  He's my guinea pig, and unfortunately feels the brunt of my mistakes as a parent.  And the best thing?  He loves me through it all.  Completely and unwavering.  Just like I love him.

You are my very first love (besides Daddy, of course!).  Those big blue eyes of your sucked me in the moment I saw them and have been doing so ever since.  You have grown into such a strong-minded, compassionate, and loyal little boy over the past seven years.  I am so blessed to watch you evolve into who you were meant to be.  Whether it's seeing you in the hallways at school, cheering you on in the stands at a baseball tournament, or watching you with Knox and Brady, I am in awe of you.  Everyday. Thank you for being my baby.  God Bless you, today and always.
Love you bunches,

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