Friday, August 16, 2013

Teacher Moms

It's official...Today is my last day of summer.  On Monday, I go back to work for my twelfth year of teaching.  Like all teacher-moms, I have mixed emotions as I head back.  On one hand, I get to go back to a job that I love.  And on the other, it's been such a blessing of a summer with my three little ones.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately.  I really do get those beginning of the year butterflies every single year, just like when I was the student, not the teacher.  Like most other teachers, I could spend hours in the school supply section at Target, I get psyched when I find new colorful bins at the Dollar Store, and I really know I'm ready when I start browsing Pinterest for cool new ideas to use with my students.  Every year since Tate was born, this excitement was a little bit tarnished in that I had a sense of guilt that I was happy, and yet I was going to have to spend my days with other people's kids and not my own.

But not this year.

This year, my attitude has changed - and not because of any soul-searching or lightbulb moments.  I think it's mostly due to the fact that I'm just now becoming okay with the fact that I LOVE to teach.  And I came to the realization this summer, that my love for my job doesn't need to be looked at as a negative thing for my family. After all, my mom takes care of Knox and Brady (and she used to take care of Tate).  I have NEVER had to worry about my kids while I work.  This, in itself, is the number one reason why I never took the break that I always thought I would once I started having kids.  We are blessed, blessed, blessed to have my parents so close AND so willing to help us out.  I've also found that being a teacher makes me a better mom.  I learn from my students every single day.  Whether it's the number of earths that can fit inside the sun, or that sometimes even self confident eleven year olds need an encouraging hug now and again... I find myself saying, "When Tate/Knox/Brady is in fifth grade, I need to remember___________."  

I actually look forward to going to school (most days!).  My job as a Gifted Specialist is unique in that I get to have the same kids year after year after year.  For some of the fifth graders that I'll teach this year, I've been their teacher since they were five!  We end up forming quite the bond, and it's really hard to let them go off to middle school.   I'm lucky to teach at a school where I consider the people I work with friends, not coworkers.  We've seen each others' worst and best and everything in between.  And I honestly feel that I'm better because I have each of them in my life.

The best part of teaching, though, are the kids that sit within the walls of my classroom each day.  I could go on and on about the amazing things they do and say.  I could tell you how last year, the shyest student in my fourth grade group ended up blooming into a well-respected and thought-provoking little girl.  I could (try) to explain the uncontrollable giggles (including my own) erupting during a lengthy discussion on the mating patterns of bumblebees.  Or I could say that just this past week I saw three former students during one trip to Target and then one at the mall - it's baffling how fast they grow up! Which brings me to the tremendous amount of pride I have in my heart as I am starting to hear about the plans for the kids that sat in my very first classroom in 2002 (back when I taught first grade).  These kids are going to start their senior years and I am blown away by all they have accomplished already... Can I just brag and say that one of my boys is playing football for YALE next year.  Yes, I said YALE!!!

Teaching is a calling; it is a passion; and it's what I'm supposed to do.

And being a mom is who I was meant to be.

Of course, my own kids come before anything in the world.  But I finally figured out this summer that I am a person blessed enough have my cake and eat it too.  

I pray that my kids understand why I teach...

You're about to start first grade, Buddy.  Wow.  I know you're super excited, and I'm so excited for you.  I'm the luckiest mom in the world because I get to have you with me at school all day long!  Even though I don't see you all the time, just knowing you're there, makes me happy.  I pray that you continue the love of learning that you developed last year. Be compassionate, be kind, and be happy.  I love and adore you.

I'm excited for you to head back to preschool.  You are so ready and I know that you'll have a really great year!  You're going to have so much fun with Grandma and Brady on the days you don't have school.  Please know that Mommy thinks of you all day long and sometimes I even tell my students about the silly things you do and say.  They always laugh at my "Knox Stories." You have grown into such a smart and funny boy.  I love you millions and billions.

Brady Girl,
I know that this summer, you and I have been connected at the hip.  And it's gonna take a little getting used to (for both of us) to be separated.  But I also know that Grandma and you are gonna have the best time together!  I pray that as you grow up, you will understand that someday, you can have your cake and eat it too, just like me.  When you're a mommy, you'll have the chance to find a job that you love as much as I love teaching.  Maybe you'll want to be a teacher too.  Or an accountant, or a doctor, or a comedian, or a ballet dancer. Whatever you choose, I hope that it fits you as well as teaching fits me.  Love you bunches, my Brady Lady.

So to all you teacher-moms out there (especially my fellow Brinker Bears), good luck as you start the new year.  Feel good knowing the impact you will have this year on all of your students.  But more importantly, know that your own kiddos are so very proud of you for what you do.  

I know that I will always be "mom" first...  But "Mrs. Sievers" doesn't bother me one bit.

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Ben and Abby said...

Love you, Tracy!!! You excel as a mom and a wife and a teacher -- all three are very important jobs!! Your kids and your school kids are so lucky to have you. XO!