Sunday, April 3, 2011

Escape Artist

Ever since we had kids, our poor dog, McCarney, has been what some would call "neglected." She's a sweet, sweet dog... but gets in trouble daily for barking when the kids are sleeping or for eating something that belongs to one of them... not food... I mean toys, socks, underwear, etc.

But I think yesterday, she did something that warranted a special post just about her...

The boys and I went on a walk around 9am. It was Brad's morning to sleep in, so he was still in bed. When we were done and coming up the driveway, our nextdoor neighbor stopped us and said she was pretty sure that our dog got out. HUH???

As were raced in through the back fence we noticed this...

We were rushing inside to get Brad up and to start searching the neighborhood, when McCarney came zooming out the doggy door that leads to our backyard.  HUH???

We were so confused... We went inside and I listened to a message on the answering machine.  It was a neighbor down the street, who said her son found our dog and helped her get back in the house.  She said to call if I had any questions.  I quickly dialed her number.  Of course I thanked her over and over again for getting our dog back home.  After our conversation, here's what we're pretty sure happened:

McCarney was sitting in her usual post, looking out the office window (which is only 8 inches above the ground).  She must've saw something that got her excited (my guess would be a squirrel).  She jumped up on the screen - because the window was wide open - and POP!  The screen popped out.  She jumped - or fell - through the window and ended up outside and free as a bird. 

Then she panicked and found her way to the back of the house where the gate to our fence is.  This is where she went to town, trying to claw her way in.  When she realized that wasn't going to work, she headed back to the front, where the neighbor's son saw her.  He asked our nextdoor neighbor if she knew whose dog it was, and the neighbor told him it was ours. 

The boy knocked on the door, but no one answered (no, Brad didn't get up when he heard the door).  This is when the boy noticed the screen was punched out of the front window.  He took McCarney home with him.  His mom called and left us a message and then he and his dad brought her back to our house.  They had her jump back through the window and shut the window from the outside, leaving McCarney safe and sound in our house.


Can you believe that?!  What a crazy story!  And poor McCarney was probably terrified.  We're all just so relieved to have her back.  I would be sick if she were still out there somewhere.  Thank goodness for sweet neighbors and a lot of good luck!

Love to y'all,


nick&abby said...

She is one smart dog

Ben and Abby said...

Haha! That's hilarious. :) Funny McCarney. If she could talk, I'm sure she'd be telling her friends about this for weeks!!!