Sunday, April 17, 2011

We Came, We Saw, We Marched

Yesterday we walked in our third March For Babies sponsored by the March of Dimes.  As many of you know, we've been raising money for the past three months for this event and I'm so pleased (and in shock) to say that, as a team, we raised over $10,000!!!

This is one of the special days throughout the year that is "set aside" to remember Nash... all that he was and all that he still is to so many.  We had forty people there with us yesterday in Dallas to walk five miles in memory of our sweet boy.  That, in itself, means so much more than I can possibly write.  Brad's mom and sister's family drove in from Kansas City.  In addition, my parents, our coworkers, friends, old coworkers, and even some parents of our friends walked right there beside us.  

It really is symbolic to have all these people rally around us on such an important day.  This is the way it has been since that horrible July day.  Never once has anyone faltered.  In fact, we have been overwhelmed by the arms of those who catch us when we fall.  So really, I'm not surprised that we had so much support and love with us yesterday.  I never would expect it, but I'm not surprised... 

Thank you to all who supported this amazing day with your generous donations.  And thank you to all of you who walked with us.  We love you and are so blessed to have you in our lives.

Love to y'all,

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