Sunday, March 14, 2010


My friend Abby "tagged" me in this new game! Here's how the game works:
1. Open your first photo folder on your computer.
2. Scroll to the 10th picture.
3. Post that picture and the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 or more people.

Here's what I found...

This is a picture from the summer of 2005. It was actually 4th of July weekend and Brad's sister and her husband came down to visit us. In this pic, Jill and I are playing washers outside at a block party... By the looks on our faces, it seems to be a pretty intense game, huh? Looking at this pic, it makes me wish I had a tan right now... and a margarita in hand! And I can't help but notice the lack of extra belly fat on me!!! Three kids later and I sure don't look like that anymore!!! UGH!

Okay, I tag: Brandi, April, Jennifer, Grace, Debbie, and Abby Flies! Have fun!!!

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Allie said...
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