Monday, July 23, 2012

Pinterest Progress

As you know, I've had plans to be quite the stay-at-home mom this summer and tonight I'm here to tell you... this is EXHAUSTING!  How do these Pinterest-aholics do it?  The kids and I have been busily checking off our list of summer to-do's each week.  (Yes, we're still doing it!)  Our favorites from last week were probably painting signs for the boys' bedroom doors and Tate helping me cook dinner (which he then refused to eat).

But besides all of that, I've been trying my best to use the recipes I've pinned, and I have to say, they've been turning out pretty great.  Tonight we had sweet and sour chicken and fried rice... a little too much soy sauce in the rice, but altogether pretty yummy!  Over the weekend, I made a snack of roasted chick peas (soooooooo addicting - I seriously ate almost an entire can of them before I made myself stop).  And frankly, I don't even like chick peas. 

And finally, I decided to really hone in on my inner Martha Stewart and make some things for the house.  They were a little hard to take pics of... but check them out!
"What a difference a day makes."
 The kids birthdays and names
Canvases of each of my babies on the dining room wall... each pic has what each child has taught us.
Our strength  when we needed it most.  Our faith when that's all we had left.
Our hope that there would be light in the darkness.  Our peace in where we are in our lives now.

I am really, really happy with how both projects turned out.  

Love to y'all,


Judy said...

Amazing!! You did a fantastic job!! I have the birth day on pinned and thought that would be a great gift idea to me girls! Oh well! Keep it up!

nick&abby said...

those are so great, Tracy!!!!