Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Year Older

On Thursday, Tate turned six years old.  I can't believe how quickly time has flown.  I've heard my own parents say it time and time again.  It really does go way to fast.  Of course we all have those moments where we are praying that time will just hurry up so we can get through our present situations... you know what I'm talking about.  The tantrums at Target, shots at the doctor, or the all too often family dinner at Chili's that goes all wrong.  But all in all, I think most of us moms would agree that our babies are growing up in the blink of an eye and there's nothing we can do to slow them down.

Tate has grown up to be a little boy that any mama would be proud of.  But I am so very thankful that God gave me the honor to know, teach, love, encourage, and nurture him every single day.  He is strong-willed and strong-minded.  He has a deep sense of fairness and loyalty.  He makes and keeps friends.  He is smart and can be very independent... and yet sometimes he'll still crawl up on my lap for a little cuddle.  He's athletic and has a strong, strong love for the game of baseball well beyond his years.  He adores Knox and Brady and keeps Nash close in his heart.  He loves and knows God.

I'm a very blessed mommy to have this six year old little boy be mine.

Back Then...


Happy Birthday, Sleepyhead!
Sharp Shooter
Presents From Grandma and Grandpa
Tate and Gpa Smith
Nothing's better than a brand new bat!!!
Tate and Gma Smith
My Little Lefty...
... that can switch hit!

Love to y'all,

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