Monday, June 18, 2012


We just got back from the zoo... what a great trip!  The kids couldn't have been better (PHEW!) and really had a fun time.  Knox was the most excited to go, and once we got there, he was thrilled to see all the pictures of the animals as we were walking in.  I don't think he realized that we were actually going to see REAL LIVE animals.  It was so cute, when he finally realized what a zoo really was.  I guess he was too little to remember from the last time we went.  

Best quotes of the day:
We were up against the glass staring eye to eye with an enormous gorilla and I go, "Oh.  My." And Knox finished it off with, "Goodness!"

While looking at some cheetahs lying in the shade, Tate yells out, "Hey Knox!  Look at these woodchips!!!"  It's the little things, I guess.

And my favorite... When searching in some trees for a monkey, I asked Tate if he could see it, and he looked down over the banister and disappointingly said, "All I can see is a map and some Doritos."

Love to y'all,

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