Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Here's my list of things to be thankful for this year:
1. Family
2. Yellow Balloons
3. A good night's sleep
4. Starbucks (for when I don't get #3)
5. True Friends

I asked Tate what he was most thankful for before I put him to bed,  Here's what he said (verbatum):
1. Knox
2. Blankie
3. Mom and Dad
4. Grandma and Grandpa

So sweet... but notice the order.  Hmmmm.

I'm sure Brad's list would go something like this:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Softball
4. Lunches at Twin Peaks
5. Dinners at Twin Peaks

And Knox's list would be as follows:
1. Tate
2. Binkies
3. Trucks
4. Meatballs
5. Handy Manny

But seriously, we all know this is the time of year that it's important to reflect on how blessed we are.  I am blown away everyday at how much God has given me.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Love to y'all,

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