Sunday, November 7, 2010

Favorites of a Boy Mom

It's just a lazy Sunday afternoon... Brad's been gone all day at Texas Motor Speedway watching some Nascar thing, so the boys and I have spent the day together.  I felt like I should write something, but don't have tons to say tonight.  Weird.

Sitting here, I'm surrounded by reminders of the unrivaled amounts of testosterone in this house.  And I have to say, I relish it all...

A four year old in a black Power Rangers costume, a cape, and a knight's helmet running around, yelling at pretend bad guys as he saves the world... a little toe-head in a diaper banging the blinds next to the front door... a black Little Tykes truck to my left... football on the TV upstairs... "No, Tate, I haven't seen your light saber"... Monster Trucks under my feet... baseballs, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, golf balls in every room of the house... pizza for dinner... a Camero Repair Manuel on the desk next to the computer... dirty fingernails... socks in the middle of the floor... T-shirts with sports logos on them in size XL, 5T, and 12 months in my washing machine... a Ford truck in the garage... and toothless smiles of all three of my little ones decorating the walls...

So much to be thankful for.

Love to y'all,

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