Sunday, November 2, 2008

Four Months.

I cannot believe yesterday marked the four month anniversary of Nash's death. It's still so difficult to even write these words - it makes them so real; too real. Every month on the first, I find myself replaying the horrible events of that day over in my mind. Each time I look at the clock I can remember what I was doing at that exact time on July 1st... 10am I decided to get on a plane...12:00pm I said good-bye to my parents at the airport, still not really knowing why I felt I needed to get to Nash...3:00pm I arrived in Omaha and Brad's aunt picked me up...4:00pm I was told Nash would be coming to Omaha by helicopter...5:15pm I was being driven to Sioux City, Iowa when we found out Nash was not stable enough to bring him to Omaha...5:37pm my little boy was peacefully taken to be with Jesus and I was still on my way to him...7:00pm I got to the hospital to find Nash wrapped warmly in blankets in the arms of my father-in-law and MY WORLD STOPPED...7:01pm Nash was put into my arms as I sat and rocked him...7:15pm I called Brad to tell him that his little boy was gone... 1:15am I held Nash for the very last time and then gave his precious body over to a nurse...I don't know if these thoughts will ever subside. They are still so clear and so raw and so horrifying. And on the first of every month, I go through them over and over again.

I apologize if this is difficult to read. My last intention is to upset anyone. However, I feel better expressing my feelings and I feel comfortable doing so in this way. And I think I have hope that all who read this will offer up their prayers for our family and that is what we so desperately need more than anything. So thank you for reading this. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for thinking of my sweet little boy, Nash.

I went to a special Mass this afternoon remembering all those who have died this year. We were asked to bring a photograph of our loved one to put in the front of the church. When we got there, I went to give Nash's picture to a lady to put on the display. I just kept looking at all the other photographs of people so much older than my little boy. His sweet face seemed to stand out among the others. It was a very emotional service - they even read his name during a song and a special prayer. It meant so much to me to hear that. It reminded me that no matter how long he's been gone that he was here. He mattered. He touched lives.

As much as I miss him, I came away from Mass today with a peace about me. I was reading a book the other day and someone posed this question about someone who has died: "Can we really say we lost someone when we know where he is?" No. Nash is NOT lost. I know exactly where he is and I also have faith that we will be reunited with him when God calls us to leave this earthly place. Believing this with all my heart gets me through the darkest hours.

Prayer For Those Who Mourn
Grant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved
the spirit of faith and courage,
that they may have strength to meet
the days to come
with steadfastness and patience;
not sorrowing as those without hope,
but in thankful remembrance of your great
and in the joyful expectation of eternal life
with those they love.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Love to y'all.


Kelly Jane said...

Tracy...I'm so glad you feel comfortable writing things like this to those of us who read your blog. While reading your words did make me cry, know that we are all out here praying for you, Brad, Tate and Nash. No one will forget him...


The Hazelwood Family said...

Love you! And, although it is hard to read, I enjoy being able to share a little of Nash with you each time I read your posts. Stay strong...lets do a play date soon!

Mandi and Gang said...

Your words are so sweet! I did cry like usual but good tears. Nash did not get to be a cute puppy but he is a precious angel this year. I am sure he walked with you from house to house and loved seeing his BIG brother enjoy his sucker, and twix, and tootsie roll! xoxoxo