Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sooooooooo Close!!!

Okay, y'all... two days ago, after about a million rounds of revisions and editing, I received the FINAL proof of Home Runs in Heaven!!!  As I type this, an actual PHYSICAL copy of my book is being made and then will be sent to my house!!!

As many of you know, this book was originally written in the fall of 2008, only a few months after Nash passed away.  Then this past January, on what would've been his sixth birthday, I decided to share my dream with you and start the publishing process.  It's been 11 long months since then and we are just about home free.  I cannot believe the finish line is so close.

This process has been uplifting and enlightening and therapeutic to say the least.  Through all of your words of encouragement and support, I have learned how much my little boy has impacted each of you.  And that makes my heart swell. 

Right now I'm busy setting the sale price, filling out tax forms, and other boring stuff until the UPS man shows up with the most important package of my life! If the book doesn't need any changes once I get it in my hot little hands, I will then request my first batch of books to be printed and ready to sell, ship, etc.  I will keep everyone posted on these last few steps. 

We. Are. So. Close.

Love to y'all,

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