Thursday, October 17, 2013

Brady Turns TWO!?

How is it possible that my little bitty, tiny, baby girl is TWO?  Each and every day I'm learning exactly what more experienced parents say when they tell me that life goes by faster and faster as kids get older.  I cannot believe that I am really through the "baby phase" in my house once and for all.  I've been waiting for this point for years and yet I'm not sure that I should end the previous sentence with an exclamation point or a "sniff, sniff." 

If I'm being honest, I am ready to be done with a lot of the baby phase... the breastfeeding, all-night crying spells, pacing around the house to try to get a grumpy baby back to sleep.  But there is a part of me that does miss the curled up baby falling asleep on my chest, or the tiny grunts and coos I'd hear on the monitor, or the little fingers that would wrap tightly around mine.  I'm happy with the size of our family and definitely am done having kiddos, but I can't help but miss some of the moments that come with having a baby.

Tucking Brady in two nights ago, I realized that it would be the last time I tuck in a one year old, and my heart sank a little bit (until grandbabies, of course).  She's growing up right before our eyes and there's nothing I can do about it.  Maybe since she's the youngest, I feel like I need to hold onto her a little bit longer.  Because if she's growing up, then what does that mean about my boys?  They're practically heading off the college.  Sigh...

To celebrate my little girl, let me share some of my most favorite things about her...
  • Her genuine excitement when I get home from work...RUNNING full force with out-stretched arms.  Best. Thing. Ever.
  • Her contagious and hearty belly laughs.
  • Her love of all things having to do with her brothers... Baseball, basketball, soccer, superheroes, Angry Birds, video games, building forts.  If they do it, she does it... kind of.
  • Her BIG blue eyes and how they get even bigger when she's sleepy. 
  • Her potty mouth... yep, some of her favorite lines at the moment are, "I'm gonna kick your butt." and "I'll fart in your face."  I know it's totally inappropriate, but it's sooo hard to reprimand a little 20 pound girl with a pink bow in her hair while I'm laughing at what she said.  I pick my battles and this one I'm not fighting yet.
  • Her teeny tiny bootie.  I swear it's the size of Tate's when he was like 3 months old. 
  • The way she looks at her daddy.
  • That she can eat more than both her brothers combined... I just pray her metabolism stays the way it is.
  • Her voice.

I could list about a thousand more things.  But I'll spare you.  I just feel so blessed that God gave Brady to me because she is a perfect fit to our family.  Isn't it funny how He does this?  Not only does He give us these miracles, but He gives us the exact ones we need.  Amazing.

Love to y'all,

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