Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This is My Life.

As I wrote in my last post, things seem pretty crazy around here lately.  Every night, I find myself worn out and feeling like I didn't even come close to accomplishing what I had set out to when I got up that morning.  I tell myself, "Tomorrow, I'll do the things I didn't get to today.  I'll start fresh."  And then the next day comes, and I find myself having the same internal conversation because, low and behold, the day got away from me again.  Everyday seems crazier than the previous one. 

But as of today, I think I'm going to STOP trying to get through the crazy parts (because every part is crazy) and just tell myself, "This is my life."  And dang it, it's a pretty good one.  I may not accomplish all my tasks off my to do list; I may not feel like everyone's needs are met every second; and I may not always keep it together.  But maybe instead of trying to change all those things, it'd be more beneficial to just accept them.  I live in a house with three kids under six.  I work.  I "wife."  I mother.  I, like most moms, stretch myself pretty thin sometimes.  So maybe instead of feeling down and out at the things that don't happen in a day, I should just change my attitude and be thankful for all the things that do. 

Here's a glimpse into my Monday evening... I'm sure you all can relate...

Pull in the drive way, three kids in the car.
Garbage day tomorrow - Pile it up super far.
Tell boys to get out and Brady starts to cry,
My arms are full already - Boys want to play outside.
Get them through the gate - Drop my stuff on the floor
Brady hears the boys - She's out the dog door!

Now what was I cooking?  Check Pinterest to see.
Oh, yeah, Taco Egg Rolls -a new recipe!
Door banging open - Knox comes in with "grace."
Sheds his shoes and his pants - a little dirt on his face.
Start browning meat; phone rings - "Hello?"
March of Dimes update... Now where did Tate go?
Find him outside.  Has baseball tonight.
Run up for his clothes.  Still holding phone tight.

Door bangs again.  Here's Tate and the dog.
Mud on them both - two shoes, four paws.
Brady is whining - I hand her a Ritz.
Hides from the dog, then throws it - gives in.
Meat is now brown - where to go from here?
Recipe's on phone, which is still on my ear.

Find some dirt on the couch and also the floor.
From a knocked over plant - What's a little mess more?
Grab dirt devil - Leave it next to the pile.
I'm still on the phone - may be there awhile.
Throw Tate his clothes - hey, what is that noise?
Brady's in pantry - throwing food like they're toys.

Brad's home - "Clean that dirt?" I point.  Take a look.
Knox needs dinner - oh shoot. Gotta cook.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Bon Appetit!
Grab Tate his hat and we throw on his cleats.
Yelling baby - "Here's some fruit.  Quiet, please."
Put her in her booster, now she's yelling for cheese!
Whisper good-bye as big boys go to play.
Brady wants out.  "Shoot. Forgot Gatorade!"

Hang up the phone.  Now to finish the food.
Knox yelling at Brady for stealing his spoon.
Peek at the table, she's sitting on top.
Some spilt milk on her toes, a lego in her mouth.
Dinner is over.  Clean the milk.  Knox wants toast.
Not up for this battle - So I go grab the loaf.

More crying - One's hungry, one's bothering her brother.
Grab Brady to hold... "What I am, a mother?!"
Need crockpot - For tomorrow, our menu is soup.
One-handedly dump stuff in a gross mound of goop.
Crockpot in fridge - now make lunch for Tate.
Find some forks and some knives - Grab Brady a plate.

She's back in the booster - for round two, not round one.
Wipe down the kitchen - The egg rolls are done!
Cut them to cool - Make some salsa for dipping.
She tries it AND likes them! Get her water for sipping.
Sit down for a bite - Wrap the leftovers up.
Finish making Tate's lunch - Now Knox needs his cup.
Brady is finished.  Clean table and girl.
Grab her and Knox - Up the stairs in a whirl.

Start tub while Knox strips - Brady runs from the room.
Chase her down, put her in.  And finally...PHEW!
Wash and scrub - And time to play.
I sit back to see foot that's been hurting all day.
One ant bite from Easter - Getting big, getting red.
Take some pics, text mom.  "Should I be worried?"  Press send.

Stand up to get littles - Water looks funny.
Brady pooped in the tub!  And it's totally runny!!!
Make kids stand up, drain tub. - This is totally gross.
Grab handfuls with toilet paper.  To the toilet they go.
The rest is too mushy and spread all around.
Shower head is spraying the poop on the ground.
Down the drain.  409 time.  And that's how it goes.
On the tub, on the toys, and on all twenty toes.
Repeat and repeat and repeat once again.
Fill the tub with more water.  Take two, my sweet friends!

Look back at phone.  Mom's on her way.
Head to Care Now - And she stays to play.
One hour, two hours. It's already nine.
Two shots and two meds.   My foot feels fine.
Pharmacy's closed. Try another they said.
Go home to wait.  Brad has kids put to bed.

Check on Knox.  He's awake.  Tuck him in.  Say good night.
Check on Tate - he's up too! Blankie missing - not in sight.
Search around and I find it.  Tate's happy as can be.
Check on "Poopy Princess" - who's actually asleep!
Head downstairs for a chat.  Knox is yelling once more.
Go back up.  Take him potty.  And again, close the door.

Pharmacy again to pick up my pills. 
Home again now, after all of my thrills.
Ready for bed, kiss to Brad from his wife.
Thank you, dear God, for these loves of my life.

Once you're a mom, this is kind of what your life looks like day in and day out.  It's always something.  So instead of trying to push through to get to the next day, I've decided it's time for me to just bask in the craziness.  After all, it's just another day at the Sievers's house.

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Ben and Abby said...

Oh Tracy. Cracking up and totally smiling. You are amazing at all roles...mom, wife, teacher, cheerleader...everything. xoxo my friend!!