Saturday, October 20, 2012

Birthday Girl

It's official... my littlest (and last) is a one year old!  Of all my kiddos, I think Brady's first year has gone faster than the any of them.  I can't believe she is a walking, almost talking little girl already.  How did this happen?

Here's her current list of Love Its and Hate Its:

Love Its:
Meatballs, pasta, waffles, mac 'n' cheese, muffins, milk, pizza, cookies... pretty much everything
Reading books
Being outside 
Climbing on ANYTHING

Hate Its:
Long car rides
Having to wait for food
Not being able to keep up with brothers
Having to come inside
Strangers (or people she considers strangers!)

I wish so much Brady could understand how much joy she has brought this family.  I figure if I write it down now, someday she will be able to read it and see exactly how I felt about her way back as a tiny one year old.
My Sweet Baby Girl,

How are you already one?  How could it be that you are no longer falling asleep in my arms, as I rock you in your chair?  How is it that your tiny little feet walk around this house like you've been doing it for years?  How do you already know just the right way to smile so that my heart literally feels like it's melting?  

Brady, you came into our lives right when we needed you most.  Daddy and I prayed that we would be blessed with another baby that would make us feel that our family was complete... or at least, complete in our own unique way.  The moment the nurses placed you on my chest, I knew you were the missing piece to our puzzle and I am reminded of that every time I look in your big blue eyes.  

I look forward to all of the things that you and I will experience together that will be different from the boys and my relationships with them.  I look forward to seeing the world through my daughter's eyes.  I look forward to the ups and the downs and being there for you through them all.  Brady, I just look forward to being your mom.  

I don't know what I did to deserve each of my children. I often think, "How did I get this blessed?"  You and your brothers are everything to your daddy and me.  I adore you more than you could ever imagine.  And that, my dear, is how it will always be.

God Bless you, my little Brady Lady.  I love you today, tomorrow, and forever after that...


1 comment:

nick&abby said...

Happy birthday, sweet girl! What a cutie! Trac, I'm pretty sure I just need to always have Kleenex on hand when I'm reading your stuff ;)