Monday, October 18, 2010


Today at school, I was using a computer program to create something that told about my family.  Naturally, I listed my boys' names... Tate, Nash, Knox.  Then I was inserting videos or pictures of them.  I didn't have any pics of Nash saved on my school computer, so I "googled" his name, thinking I would know what I'd see... his obituary or program from his funeral.  But I also knew there would be a great picture of him as well.  So I prepared myself and started typing.  The list that came up was what I had anticipated plus one more thing that I hadn't...

A blog post from the pastor that did Nash's funeral.  It was the exact sermon that he preached to us on July 5, 2008 - the day we said our final goodbyes and laid my baby boy to rest. 

I found myself reading and rereading it over and over again... I remembered some of it so very clearly and other parts I felt as if I'd never even heard.  By the end of it, tears were streaming down my face, as I was suddenly back to the searing pain of that day.

One portion of the sermon really stood out to me.  Reading it again now makes me well up.  But it also gives me great hope and so much faith that Nash is where he is supposed to be...

"Just as Jesus rebuked his disciples, saying, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them...,' so He said to you, Tracy and Brad, on July 1st, 'Let lettle Nash come to me and do not hinder him.  I have prepared a playroom for him in heaven.  I have died and risen again for Nash, it is time for him to receive his crown of glory.  The time is right.  The time is perfect.'

Today, Nash Adam Sievers is crawling all over heaven.  He is playing patty cake with angels.  Nash is being cuddled by his great grandmas.  Today he plays peek-a-boo with his great grandpas.  The heavenly chorus is singing him lullabies.  There is no tear in his eyes but only smiles and laughter... forever.  Just as the Lord Jesus would take up the little children into his arms and cradle them, so Nash is being held by His Savior and tenderly caressed by the Savior who died for him... the Savior who bore the name "Nash Adam Sievers" inscribed upon His hands right near the place where the nails were driven in."

Wow.  So beautiful.

Love to y'all,


The Terrell Family said...

Tracy, this brought tears to my eyes! I know Nash is watching over you and your family each and every day! I admire your strength and your faith. Love you!

nick&abby said...

I remember him saying he was being cuddled by his G-Gmas and crawling around in heaven...that really hit me and I lost it. I'm glad you were able to find his blog and re-read what was said

S Kieser said...

Hi Tracy! Brad sent a note to me on Facebook and told me about your post. I'm glad you found the sermon online and that it brought comfort and hope... the Gospel of Jesus always has a a way of doing that!

Thinking of you and Brad and all 3 of your children,

Pastor Kieser

Ben and Abby said...

Oh Tracy...tears!! I think of Nash so often. What a beautiful post (and message from the priest). :) xoxo.