Saturday, May 1, 2010

Three Months!

Our sweet Baby Knox is officially three months old today - I cannot believe he's already past the newborn stage. It's so much fun watching him grown and learn at such a rapid rate. It's funny how, like all moms, every little thing he does makes me such a proud mama... "Look how fast he can kick his legs!" or "WOW! That's a lot of poop!" No matter what it is, when it's your baby doing it, it's the best!

Here's some of Knox's favorite things:
- playing under his little hanging birdie
- his swing
- kicking his legs like crazy

- "talking" to us... "ooooohhhh....ahh!"
- watching tv (He totally pays attention to it, even cranes his neck to see it - which is strange because Tate or Nash barely noticed it at this age).
- his binkies (YAY!)
- rolling over when he's on his tummy
- Tate's silly faces
- cuddling
- bathtime
- being rocked to sleep
- singing songs
- sleeping in his crib
- putting his hands in his mouth

Here's some of his not-so-favorite things:
- having to wait for me to fix his bottle - when he's hungry, he's HUNGRY!
- picking up Tate from preschool - he HATES waiting in the carpool line!
- the wind
- the sun in his face
- getting his nose "sucked out"

As you can see, he's a pretty great little guy - not much really bothers him. But I do have to say that when you're blessed with a very easy baby, you sort of freak out if they are acting fussy. It's like, "What are you doing? You don't act like this!" But more often than not, Knox just spends his days loving on us and being a perfect fit to our family.
Love to y'all,

1 comment:

David and April Vinson said...

3 months already?! Really! WOW! Congratulations! He's darling!