Monday, April 19, 2010

What a Weekend!

On Saturday, we went to the March For Babies, where we walked five miles to raise money for the March of Dimes. We were incredibly blessed to have over thirty friends and family members walk with us! It was such a great feeling, watching all these people come together to not only support us, but honor and remember Nash.

Like last year, the walk was emotional. Along the way, there is something called the Path of Hope, which has signs with pictures of babies who survived against terrible odds and also pictures of those who did not make it. It's always so hard to see Nash's sign with the words, "In memory of..." I think to myself, why couldn't he have been one of the miracles? And then, I remember that he was. Just having him here with us for those five and a half months was a miracle in itself.
My THREE boys.
While we were there, I kept wondering what Nash was thinking as he watched all these people gathering for him and his family. I hope he was proud of us - proud for seeing us, chins raised high, despite the tragedy that we have been forced to live through; proud to see his two brothers wearing his name on their backs; proud that his family is sticking together against all odds. At one point, I glanced up towards the sky, like I often do when thinking of Nash, and what do you know? One, lone yellow balloon. I know it was only one of hundreds that got away from little hands that morning. But I'm so thankful I saw it because it was much more than that to me.

Once we got home and cleaned up from our wonderful morning, we headed out to our second big event that day - Knox's baptism! It was a beautful ceremony and it meant so much to us. Now that Nash is safe and at peace with God in heaven, baptism has an even more significant meaning to our family. I got teary more than once during Mass, as I prayed for God's protective hand to guide my children. And I got a lump in my throat as the choir began singing one of my favorite songs, "You Are Mine" (which I've actually written a past blog entry about). What are the chances that this would be the song played at Knox's baptism? It was beautiful and I am positive it wasn't a coincidence. God knew what I needed that day and he gave it to me. What an amazing gift.

Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me; I will bring you home.
I love you and you are mine.
Godparents Trent (my brother), Eric (brother-in-law), Jill (Brad's sister)
Love to y'all,

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