Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Busy Weekend...

So much has been going on in the past few days. First of all, my mom and I took Tate to the pumpkin patch. This was the third year we've taken him and he had a blast! He was so obsessed with feeding the animals - he was running around in circles, back and forth between the pens. His favorite was definitely the sheep - he's pretty much obsessed with the song "Baa Baa Black Sheep" at the moment and he couldn't believe he actually got to see them in real life!
Yesterday was spent celebrating my 30th birthday. It was a day of mixed emotions...which is how my days are more often that not right now. Brad was great and tried so hard to make my day special. He got me some cute pink tennis shoes and some much-needed sweats - just what I asked for. My parents came over to have lunch and gave me a generous gift card to The Gap and my mom also made me a really cute book on Shutterfly - tons of pictures of me growing up (so many bad haircuts and even worse teeth!). Thanks, Mom!
Last night, Brad took me out to dinner to a fun Mexican restaurant where we met up with nine other couples. After dinner, we went to a bar called Martini Park...who knew how good a Cucumber Martini was??? Obviously not me, since I'm usually in bed by 9:30! It was really fun and we had a great time. I'm so thankful to everyone who was there - it took my mind off things for a little while and reminded me how amazing my friends are.
Today my mom took me to see "The Secret Lives of Bees" (go see it!) and then we came back to our house to celebrate my dad's birthday (which is technically tomorrow). Tate is now a pro at blowing out candles and eating cake!
I have to say that all last week I was sort of dreading this weekend. And yesterday was really difficult - not because of how old I am, but because the one thing I wanted most I knew I couldn't have. I spent much of the day fighting back tears. But as hard as it was, I am sure of one thing: my sweet little boy was sending me birthday wishes straight from heaven.
Love to y'all,


Brandi Pattee said...

Happy Belated birthday Tracy!! I love your blog, it brought me to tears but it is a wonderful source to keep in touch:) Thinking of you and our blog is

Love the Pattees!

The Hazelwood Family said...

Happy Birthday! I didn't know they had made the Secret Life of Bees into a movie...I read the book and loved it!

Anonymous said...

Steven and I miss you guys soo much! We wish we could have been there for you all! Happy Belated birthday! (sorry its late, I never know when ANYONE's b-day is, and who knows if Steven does or not! lol). We CANT WAIT wait to see you guys at Xmas!

Much love to the four of you,

Em and Steven