Sunday, February 8, 2009

We Are the Champions...Almost

So we spent the weekend watching Brad and his buddies play in a softball tournament. As most of you know, this is how we spend a lot of weekends between March and October. And here we are, getting ready to begin another season. (According to Brad, they had to play this weekend to "practice" for the next tournament that actually matters...). They ended up getting second place out of eighteen teams so that was good - way to go, boys!

The weather was pretty nasty - SUPER windy, which made the temp seem really cool, compared to the forcasts. But we were lucky, because our great friends, the Yochims (Kort, Mandi, Averi, and Kade) were there too. So Tate got to spend all his time with his best buddy. They have the best time together - constantly talking, laughing, and running around. It's so fun to watch. Here are some highlights:

The boys were in a field playing, while we watched. All of a sudden we noticed they were barefoot. Then they were helping each other take off their jackets. And before we knew it, off came their t-shirts. There they were running around, showing off their six packs to the world!!!

Neither boy understood how to cheer for the guys - when one cheered for his "daddy" the other would call him daddy too. When Tate would cheer for "Mr. Kort," Kade would say it too even though that was his dad. Kade always calls Brad "Uncle Brad" so he was cheering for him this way. Then Tate would say it and I'd say, "No, that's your daddy." So eventually, when Brad was up to bat, Tate would yell, "Go Uncle Daddy!"

The boys spent this morning helping each other apply Averi's Hannah Montana glittery lip gloss. Should we be worried?

I can't believe it's already Sunday night. Where did the weekend go? I guess sitting at a softball field for two days straight will do that, huh?

Have a great week!
Love to y'all,

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