Monday, September 15, 2014

His Favorite Color Was Blue

Last week, Tate and I were at school early one morning, and I was getting ready for my day.  I was bustling around my classroom - checking email, grabbing my first cup of coffee, looking over lesson plans - you know, "teachery stuff."  Tate was writing on my white board, waiting to head to class.  At some point I glanced up to see what he was doing and he had written a colorful collage of messages that read, "Tate is awesome! Knox is awesome! Brady is awesome! Nash is awesome!"  Of course it made me smile to see that he had included Nash in his writing.  But, at the same time, it didn't surprise me because Tate is so great about including his brother in his everyday life.  He brings him up time and time again, and each time it melts my heart. 

But on this particular morning, the heart melting when one step farther... I told Tate that I loved what he wrote on my board and he then explained to me how he chose which color to write each sentence, "Mine is red because it's my favorite color; Knox's is green because it's his favorite color, Brady's is purple because it's her favorite color; and Nash's is blue because that was his favorite color." 


According to Tate, Nash's favorite color would be blue. 


Blue like his perfect little eyes and like the blanket I swaddled him in.  Blue like the sky I look up at to see if I can catch just a glimpse of him watching down on us.  Blue.

There's so much about my little boy that I've always wondered... What would be his favorite sport?  His favorite dessert?  What foods would he despise?  Would he love to read or do math?  Play Monopoly?  What movie would he make me watch over and over again? 

On most days, I've come to accept that I'm not ever going to know the answers to these questions.  But, because of one very loving, honest, and sensitive eight year old boy, I learned something that I never dreamed I would know...

His favorite color was blue.

Love to y'all,


Ben and Abby said...

Sweet, sweet Tate. Kids are so vulnerable and intuitive...I LOVE that heart of his!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this.