Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Goldfish in Bed

I cannot believe I've gone an entire month without a single post.  What kind of blog is this?!  Honestly, for the past few weeks, it's been my intention to sit down and get something written... but wouldn't you know it?  Another day goes by without writing a word.  Maybe I'm too exhausted, maybe I just want to watch some mindless reality TV, or maybe I'd just rather snuggle up with a book at 8:30 because all three kids are finally asleep.  But no matter the reason, one thing is for certain: Life happens and sitting down to write gets pushed waaaaaay down on my priority list. 

It was that exact thought that is making me sit down to write tonight... 

Today while driving home from work, I was thinking about the million things that keep popping up throughout my day that make writing on my blog not happen, and something just clicked... Yes, I'm busy (and I dare you to show me a mom that isn't!).  Yes, being a mom brings with it an entire barrage of emotions.  And yes, I admit, I sometimes sigh in frustration when I finally sit on the couch for the first time, only to hear a little voice ask for more juice. 

But today, I looked at it a different way...  After all, they say it's always just a matter of perspective. Today I remembered that the glass of juice I mentioned is only being asked for because I have a handsome four year old boy that's thirsty and knows his mom will help him out.  And I realized the reason I go through two big cups of coffee some mornings is because I have a three year old baby girl that sometimes needs a few middle-of-the-night kisses.  Today I remembered that the wood floors by the fridge are ALWAYS sticky only because Tate is getting old enough to pour his own drinks.  And I'm also realizing that my head is usually pounding because my house is FULL of the whoops and hollers of three kids simultaneously dancing, singing, chasing, and giggling with each other.  I figured out that as I walk by the piles of laundry that never seem to go away, I may cringe a little... but I should tell myself the only reason it's there is because I'm lucky enough to have a family that lives together under one roof.  And tonight when I FINALLY had the kitchen cleaned up and the kids down only to realize I needed to get the crockpot ready for tomorrow's dinner if we wanted something to eat other than toast, I just reminded myself that I'm more than blessed to have a table FULL of people I love to share my meals with... even if at least a couple of them will complain about whatever it is we're eating. 

Sometimes I think it takes a little bit for us moms to remember that everything we deal with day in and day out really ARE the exact things that make us so blessed.  Now don't get me wrong, I get overwhelmed, like everyone else.  But it sure is nice to really see the underlying reason that all of these little "frustrations" are in our lives. 

Oh, and one more thing... I'm writing this from the comforts of my big comfy bed... where I found this little friend... So after I let out just a tiny little sigh, I reminded myself that goldfish in bed only mean that someone's little fingers put them there.

Love to y'all,